To fly in my waking dreams,
Loving you, till the end of eternity.
Caressing your love with mine-
As my heartbeat sings your melody.
The fantasy of the God,
The lure of the Spirit,
The entwining of the Union,
Is my prayer devoted to you!
Kisses unborn, to touch your feet
In Reverence of your Purity,
To bathe in your Aura of Beauty,
To feel your touch of Bliss...
To be bestowed by your presence
Lasting a moment, still..
I'll catch you, in that gaze,
And make that gaze a vision of my soul.
To love a soul absolutely, is the zenith of accomplishment, a culmination of fulfillment, even if the other person doesn't even know you exist. To love a beloved in an unloved lover's dreams, to pray for even a chance to have momentary presence in lover's life, the lover will trade it for his life, for his aim in life was to have her. Even a gaze in her eyes, is enough to satisfy the soul of the lover, and the only true bliss is to have that remembrance of joy, that vision forever, even in death.