Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Clear your eyes, Wipe your tears!

Yesterday, was a rueful day! Had a great fight, atleast for four hours with somebody special!!! and no study...

was thinking, If I cling to the past, the present becomes difficult and future seems impossible!!!

I have today in my hand, which is the most important. Fights can be averted in future, to have no fights, and lessons learnt! so that, next time i dont have a past to lament upon...

Let me take this one now!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Faces In Life

Sometimes, in life we wear so many masks; that it becomes difficult to see our true selves. This happens when we try to hide our faults from ourselves; instead of correcting them! Even the mirror reflects our masks; as if - when we smile in front of camera, which is not a smile... just a cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ...

Forget the camera. Our mind is the x-ray machine. We may fool the camera, but the x-ray machine will reveal the truth to us. Better watch out!!!


The vision ahead-
From your eyes, 'tis bred.

Through them, the Eternal Light enters the body and the brain
And floods them with the New Rain!

The hues of Life get painted on the canvas.
The abili to capture Life it ably has.

'Tis integral part of your own good health-
Use them carefully during your Life, Donate at Death.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Delusion of Life

Just as pride is born out of egoism, so is the Delusion the result of living in the halo of imaginary attractibeness created from attachment.

Friday, March 21, 2008


What is life? An experience, a juorney, whose destination is the End Eternal. A choice given to us to make choices for the path we want to tread upon...


Life is what is felt by living.